
 Help Solve the Puzzle of Family Homelessness

“She loves that we now have a tub that she can take bubble baths in.”– New Lease resident, describing her 2 year old daughter

In our infancy, we have already made a significant impact on reducing family homelessness by introducing an approach that calls for the use of best practices and rigorous evaluation to inform programmatic design. In less than 18 months, over 100 families from Massachusetts’s emergency shelter system have already moved into affordable, safe homes with comprehensive services to support their healthy tenancies.

Systems change has already begun to take place as well! New Lease collaborated with state and federal regulatory agencies to adopt the first HUD-approved family homelessness preference in HUD Multifamily housing.  Now, communities across the country are working to adopt the homeless preference and replicate our model.  New practices around streamlining referrals to vacant units and leveraging supportive services have contributed largely to the early success of our pilot.

  Please contribute to this promising movement that has already accomplished significant strides in elevating families to safe, permanent homes.



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