Affordable Housing Owners: Join the New Lease Movement!
Our staff provides continuous training to help affordable housing owners successfully implement the New Lease preference at selected developments. New Lease’s systems maximize efficiency and create ease for our participating affordable housing owners. Take a look at our preliminary data below to see how our systems are performing. Contact us to join.
How Do I Enroll My Developments? The process is outlined below.
- Contact Us: 857-233-5821 or
- Initial Meeting: New Lease staff will review the program to ensure it is a right fit for your organization and developments.
- High Degrees of Flexibility and Choice for Owners: In our initial meeting you will guide us in terms of the types of developments you want to participate, the rates at which you will fill units with New Lease families, your goals for the number of New Lease units you would like to set aside, and any other special considerations for your organization.
- Development Selection: Connect New Lease with key staff members at your organization to finalize development selection.
- Regulatory Approval Process: Once you decide to participate, New Lease will facilitate a streamlined approval process with HUD and any other pertinent regulatory agencies.
- Training:Connect New Lease with property management staff and supervisors so we can begin to train your staff on our model.
Data Points of Interest
4: New Lease delivers referrals of interested, eligible families to your property managers in an average of four business days or less. Referrals contain all eligibility paperwork needed for screening, the development’s application and reference letters/positive documentation to strengthen applications.
18: The average number of business days from when a property manager begins the screening process to when an applicant is approved by a compliance dept.
153: Families housed in New Lease units
100% Housing Retention Rate